Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Please Pray for Healing

Please pray for healing for Jok Madut (founder of Marol Academy) who was assaulted by a band of his own country's soldiers on New Year's Eve.

And pray for healing for South Sudan. As the country is formed and war-time memories continue, there are many lost people in South Sudan who don't know where their security lies. Soldiers who would commit such violence must be amongst these lost.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Prayer Request

I just wanted to write to ask for urgent prayer for the people of Jonglei State. It is far from Marol, but friends' home villages are nearby and people fear it is sign of broader instability.

There have been attacks between the Lou Nuer and Murle communities that have left uncounted numbers dead. A friend described it as "like Rwanda" because of the disregard for any ethics in combat. "If the world saw this they would not believe in South Sudan any more". While there has long been cattle raiding between groups in Jonglei, the dynamics and scale of the violence have rejected previous restraints.

Please pray.

2011 bought so many answered prayers for South Sudan: a peaceful referendum; independence day; some good rains. Yet, there is still much uncertainty.