The floor is covered in pieces of paper and piles of clothes. The suitcase was hauled from the attic a couple of days ago and the familiar, final preparations for returning to South Sudan are nearly complete. However many times I pack, I can never finish before the last minute hurry. Yet, despite its familiarity the return journey still seems daunting. Having been away from the village for many months, I wonder if I have remembered what life there is. The heat of the dry season has already engulfed South Sudan. It seems very far from the snow of Bath.
Please pray for:
1) Peace in the Sudans
There are new whispers of conflict post arguments over the oil between North and South Sudan. This is an old argument but is now between two sovereign nations. Do pray for wisdom for the leaders and compassion for their people.
2) Safe Travel
On the 5th (snow permitting), I fly to Nairobi. I then hope to meet Kenyan teachers to recruit a new cohort for Marol Academy. On the 12th I fly to Juba and, then, on to Wau. Do pray for safe travel.
3) My Parents
They have been kinder to me than I could have imagined while I have been at home. However, I know that my return to South Sudan is never easy for them. Pray for their peace and growing faith.
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