Things for prayer:
- War As much as this is scattered across the headlines, the bombings and attacks that are taken place along the border are still not the daily concern here in the village. The area where the North are bombing is adjacent to our county. Yet, it is across an ethnic and administrative boundary. People never directly travel to this neighbouring area. So, people feel very distant from there and all that is happening. There are whispers of thoughts of war as people listen to all that's going on. Increasing, voluntary army recruitment is spoken of. Yet, the daily concerns of the village still potter through lost cows, declining grain stores and waiting for the rains. is a good source of ongoing news if you're interested.
- Waiting for Rain The sun had already fallen when the wind blew the first rains of 2012 over Luonyaker. Swirling around the homes and crashing to the ground, the rains made a dramatic entrance. Yet, they were short and the ground absorb the water as if it was just a drop. The real rains are still far away. Yet, there is still happiness in people's hearts to be reminded that the rains will come again. It's as if they doubted and wondered whether the rains would forget them this year. But a season of good rain is crucial for boosting low harvest stores. Please pray for rain. Waiting for Teachers Gordon and Joyce are now safely settled at Marol Academy. Floyd has also joined them and is starting to find his way around as the school prepares to open. Please pray that he won't be too lonely at Marol and that he'll have all he needs. We are also still desperately praying that God would stir other Kenyan, graduate, Christian teachers like Floyd to head north to South Sudan. There is a strong possibility that a Agriculture teacher and two others who might be willing to join us. Do pray that there will be no complications and that they will be able to travel to us in the next couple of weeks.
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